Friday, August 04, 2006

Year 11 Fundamentals - Looking for 'Change'

All our computers have the library catalogue.
Log in. and then click the purple and orange unicorn.

Are you looking for short stories?
Type in 'short stories' - there is a very long list
Some are in Fiction and start with F
Some are in the Literature section and start with 821

Are you looking for poems? Look in the 822s
Type in 'poetry'

What about finding change about a particular issue?

Pick an issue - like divorce.... type in divorce - Fiction
and see what you get.

Any issue.

You may like to look at a newspaper. Ask Mrs Meehan

You may want a photo or a picture. Mrs Meehan will show you the
photographer section and the art section

Mrs Symington, sorry I cannot be with you today.
Try 'changing perspectives' as a heading

Check out the top row of picture books - I am sure there are plenty in there.
Also the pile of books at the end of the PRC trough.

Mrs Radford

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