Sunday, September 21, 2008

Update 7: London (1)

I was lucky enough to visit Mrs Laura Taylor at the City of London Academy. It is a new school and is a very unusual design. The library is very busy and she encourages students to share what they like to read. Here are some postcards from Year 6 from surrounding schools. I think Mrs T really likes to get letters, don't you!
It is part of a much larger display. Check this picture to see if you know all these authors.

See the library window? It is covered with student suggestions. Note the school has a large open space in the middle. The weather can be wet and cold in the UK.

Students can also earn merit points if they write reviews. They are kept in a folder at the desk.

This is not a big library, and it can only take one class at a time. There is a sixth form library for seniors though, and this has many tables for study.

What impressed me about this particularly colourful and busy library, were the acoustics. Although there was sometimes 60 students in a small space and students were not quiet, the noise levels were fine. L_TAG, something to consider in our refurbishment.
Thanks to Mrs Taylor for the opportunity to visit.

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