Saturday, February 16, 2008

Who is this library for?

If you are a student at Delany College or if you are a member of staff, then the library is for YOU.
That is why this year we are looking for ways to involve as many people as wish, in the development of the library so that it is the it best suits our needs and provides us with the best space to meet them.

The idea that the library is for everyone and everyone is welcome to a say, is not new. What is new, is what is happening.

* The L_TAG (Library Teen Advisory Group) is the student voice, and
* The Think Tank is the Staff voice.

The L_TAG meets twice a week and is working out events and projects that involve students. The Think Tank is organising a staff meeting in May to assess the school's resourced learning space.

Look forward to being part of exciting new developments in 2008!

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